7 Steps to Gamify Your Call Centre






At Acceinfo, we believe these are 7 things you need to know before you gamify your call centre:

  1. Have a purpose and clear objective:

Start by asking yourself: ‘’Why do I want to gamify my call center?’’. ‘’What’s the main problem I’d like to solve or the opportunity I want to accomplish?’’. Simply adding gamification because it’s trendy or cool is not something I’d recommend. Take the time to formulate the challenge and get your team involved in the processes to identify processes or KPIs you want to impact.

  1. Understand your people:

Understanding who is the agent who is taking care of your customers or selling to them is a key element to success. You have to know what motivates them, what music they like, their profession – I was surprised by the diversity you can find in a call center – from people who are photographers, nurses to actors.

Like great marketers who understand their audiences, great managers should spend time understanding how to sell or persuade their teams. If you can’t get your message across in the tone or in the way your team can understand, you will fail. Make a list of your agents current behaviours and brainstorm ideas in how you can change that.

  1. Track the right metrics:

It’s common to see call center managers tracking tons of metrics making the operation too complex and metrics difficult to understand by the supervisors and agents. Focus on 3 to 4 metrics that really matter.

  1. Have processes already in place:

Processes first, gamify second. Gamification is useless if you don’t have a process to gamify. It’s like running a horse race without a horse.

  1. Call Center Software and CRM integration:

Real-time data is crucial for successful call center gamification deployment. The faster agents get feedback and insights about their performance the faster they can improve and act on it. Having call center and CRM software that allows your company to easily connect with 3rd party apps increases the chances of success and makes it easier and faster to deploy and maintain.

  1. Company values and culture:

Culture driven companies with strong values as a foundation are more likely to have happier and engaged employees. Building a high performance sales or service call center organization requires investing heavily in people, building better processes to measure their performance and bringing meritocracy and transparency are fundamentally valuable for agent morale and motivation in the long term.

  1. Focus on the long term.

Cultivating a high performance culture is something you have to build day to day. Call Centers is not a technology business, it’s a people intensive business that requires a lot of leadership, psychology and management skills to be successful. Data helps you know how your team is performing and processes helps you guide your people to act in different scenarios.

If you need any more information, please contact us at:

 +1 416-628-6152

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