The last blog discussed Key Performance Indicators and motivating staff. A motivated staff is a key component of increasing KPIs, but there are other ways to improve the overall performance of your company. Here are some thi...
Measuring performance is incredibly important for every business, as it give you the temperature of how the team and individuals are functioning. The goal is to always run a company in a efficient and effective way, while having a focus ...
If your business is in tune with the Customer Lifetime Value, odds are that you are fully aware that to maximize on that metric, you need to keep your customers happy. A happy customer is one who will stay with your brand, a...
There is an old sales method which focuses on getting a new sale no matter what, including unethical means. While this is a temporary way to increase revenue, it ignores some incredibly costly and damaging long term effects on a business. ...
Every modern contact centre looks to offer help to their clients, but many miss one of the main points: they need to be easy to contact. Marshall Mcluhan famously said, "The medium is the message" and every contact centre...
Having an easy to navigate, professional Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is one of the most important things a company can do to instill confidence in prospects and customers. An IVR should be clear, well mapped out and help get cust...
Providing high quality customer service is becoming more challenging by the day. Customers are increasingly sophisticated with technology and they expect options on how to interact with your call center. To successfully meet customers’ expectations you need a unified approach for handling mu...